Jose Carlos Villarejo Garcia

Jose Carlos Villarejo Garcia

Jose Carlos is an artist, and the owner and director of the museum Guadameci Omeya in Córdoba, Spain. Córdoba has a strong bond with Arabic culture. As the capital of the Caliphate of Córdoba, it was globally revered as a centre for learning and education over 1000 years ago. ​

For this reason, Córdoba today is a city that  expresses the wisdom and multifaceted beauty of Islamic culture. Many artistic traditions have been lost over the centuries. Fortunately, as an artist and expert in Arabic techniques, Jose Carlos serves as a cultural custodian of a rich legacy, and a masterful creator of the Islamic Guadameci form of art for future generations to appreciate.​

The Guadameci is an ancient artistic technique used in Córdoba after the establishment of the Arabic Caliphate (Al-Andalus, 10th Century). Guadameci art was highly valued by royalty, celebrated as luxurious gifts, and sought-after creations for adorning palace walls. ​

​Jose Carlos’ guadameci creations transport us back in time and bond us in reverence to the Divine Spirit in Alhambra. Guadameci art reflects the appreciation of beauty in all its forms, above all, the geometrical, while designs representing nature, allow us to imagine our entry into the Eternal Garden. ​

​Jose Carlos comes from a family of artists who passed on their craftsmanship from generation to generation. Since childhood, he learnt the techniques related to the crafting of leather. Later in life, his passion for ancient Guadameci techniques enabled him to become the only artist in the world to develop and promote Islamic Guadameci Art. ​

"I have the honour to be the only remaining artist to continue this splendorous artistic expression, maintaining the original beauty, philosophy, luxury and refinement of the craft. As a result, I have been given the Hernan Ruiz Award, a unique reward in recognition for my initiative to recuperate the original, ancient artistic essence and techniques of the Islamic Guadameci art." Jose Carlos Villarejo Garcia

JOSE CARLOS - Islamic Guadameci Art

Among the sumptuary arts which stood out in the Islamic Cordoba, the “guadamecí” (gilt leather panel) excelled, a master piece full of colour, bright and spirituality.

Its main feature is its brigthness, colour, rich ornamentation, iron working and, always, an evocation of the Paradise”.


Check the video below to see how Jose Carlos works